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Size Really Matters???

by Harry O'Hare
(Villajoyosa Spain)

Size Really Matters???

It is scientific fact that water does indeed magnify objects, obviously Anglers that lose a fish see the magnification of a huge fish and would explain why many Anglers will tell you about the one that got away, either that or they should have gone to Spec Savers.

The pleasure of watching a Kingfisher perch on your rod to use it as a vantage point to do its own fishing, is seen by few anglers, you freeze on your own perch frightened to move a eye lid in case you spook the bird, marvelling at its expert technique far beyond any Anglers, returning time and again with its tiny quarry to the nest to allow you a breather,, suddenly there it is again, the size of the fish? 3 to 4 centimetres.

Have you never caught minnows in a trap bottle, spent hours trying to knock out the bottom of a wine bottle, breaking 4 before you succeed. Filling the bottle with bread waiting, then finally the catch, half a dozen minnows, size of the fish, wow a big one 6 cm

Fished a chalk stream? Walk for hours on the banks of The Lambourn the Wyllie the Kennet, getting soaking wet, stalk a wild Brown Trout watch him feed , rise to the hatching fly, is it a Brown Sedge ? a Black Nat ? A Hares ear? Tie another fly cast retrieve strike, play the wild fish and you land it, marvel at it?s power beauty and Grace, the colours of it?s skin, Ohhh it?s undersize return to the river unharmed.

O Joy of Joy fishing as a boy from the pier a piece of Bacon tied to a string line, a competition to see if you can catch more of these tiny Crabs than your friends, size unimportant

There's more to fishing than catching the big one .

Harry O'Hare
Villajoyosa Spain

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